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Did Michelle Obama Tell Zaya Wade To Slow Down on Becoming a Transgender Woman at Young Age?

Michelle Obama’s discussion with Zaya Wade is going viral, but not for the reason most would expect. The interesting heart to heart discussion took an unexpected turn when it appeared Michelle Obama told Zaya Wade to slow down on becoming a Transgender woman at a young age.

Michelle Obama explained to Zaya Wade that someone at her age doesn’t really know themselves, and that people experiment with other things as they get older. She then seem to convey to Zaya Wade to stop aggressively becoming Transgender, to allow time for true self discovery. At the end of her statement Michelle Obama told Zaya Wade she is “experimenting”. Does this mean Michelle Obama thinks Zaya Wade becoming transgender is just an experiment?

Press the unmute button at the bottom right of the video if you hear no sound.

The gist of the conversation seemed to be Michelle Obama’s way of saying there’s no turning back once you go too far, and you don’t want to get older and feel you made a mistake when you were too young to understand how you really felt about yourself. It seems clear she doesn’t completely agree with the drastic change Zaire Wade made by turning into Zaya Wade so quickly.

Hopefully Michelle Obama doesn’t receive backlash for this, because she was speaking from the heart and being 100% honest in a very nice way.

Author: JordanThrilla

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